Friday 28 November 2014

East Africa's Largest Non-Foreign Enterprises - Second Edition

Have revised the July list based on the availability of newer financial data for some organisations.

Since the data is of varying accuracy, have for the first time opted to color code the list to indicate the degree of reliability of each organisation's stated financial position. This implies the data of the different enterprises should not be viewed with the same weight.

  • Green (Very Reliable) - Information sourced directly from the organisation's financial statements or its audited accounts.
  • Yellow (Moderately Reliable) - This primarily covers self-declared revenues and reports in reputable publications
  • Red (Least Reliable) - Revenues estimated from a combination of the following where available: product volumes, production capacity, product market price, market share, branch network, number of employees, comparison with similar size organisation in region etc
  • Sameer Group is colored red because though the revenues declared are from a reputable publication (Forbes), there is a possibility that this total included revenues from Kenya's second largest telecom company Bharti Airtel. Sameer is no longer a material shareholder in Bharti Airtel and its stated turnover may therefore not be accurate.
  • The list includes 5 majority foreign-owned companies - East African Breweries, Roofings Group, Tanzania Portland Cement, TPS Serena and Panafrica Insurance
  • Where exchange rates apply, the rates used are as at 28th November 2014.